Category Archives: professional
first unofficial sxsw event of the season: _OFCOLOR – Creator Brunch
BBoyCity 27
noun \sal-yə-ˈtā-shən\
1a : an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony
i’ve handed out some business cards recently, so some introductions and salutations might be useful for someone stumbling across this website. first of all, thank you. chances are we met somewhere in a musical context, and cards generally don’t get exchanged unless something positive happened.
there are two questions that usually lead to my card ending up in your hands.
“where else do you play?”
here’s a list of my weekly residencies in austin.
though i should mention that if you saw me playing out somewhere, and then you come to my next gig, the music might be very different. but it’ll always be vinyl.
“what is your [one of the social medias]?”
sure, here’s my…
ig: @silentrobstagram
fb: @djsilentrob
twitter: @silentrobcast
twitch: @silentrobcast
soundcloud: @djsilentrob
oh and also you should know that if you’re really savvy with whichever social media, i am totally not. but i’m trying to learn so please follow me, or add me to the thing, or send me a message.
or make a musical request, though i’m sometimes bad about checking my phone, so i may not get it instantly (ig or twitter would be your best bet if it’s super loud right now and we can’t hear each other).